Monday, January 31, 2011

A Distraction Challenge!

Has anyone else noticed of late how distracted our society is becoming?

Has anyone noticed that in spite of being the most "connected" culture in the history of mankind, we are isolating ourselves via the same technolog that is supposed to be "connecting" us?

I had given some thought to this concept in times past, but it really lept to the forefront of my mind on numerous occasions over the just passed Christmas and holiday season.

While enjoying time with family and friends during the holidays, it was my observation on more than one occasion that the majority of people in the room were far more enthralled with what was taking place on their smart phone, Ipad, laptop, tect, etc. than what was taking place in the room they were currently supposed to be fellowshiping and conversing.

Whether it was checking emails (guilty here!), text messages (guilty again!), or the latest buzz from the around the world via the internet (also guilty!), the very technology that was supposed to be "connecting" us, was instead isolating us from the ones that we love most, and are attempting to spend time with during significant moments in our lives.

When was the last time we carried on a complete, in-person conversation with another person we love or value, whether it was for an hour, or for an evening out without one time "checking in" to see what else was taking place around the world?

When we gather with someone dear, whether a friend or family member for a dinner, a reception, or some other type of social in-person event, we are saying by our attendance and by the requested attendance of others, that this particular person is important and significant in our life and in our individual world. Yet, many times, by our actions, or  via the "distractions" of the technology at our finger tips, we tell them they are not near as important as the text we just received, the lastest Facebook posting or update, or any other sundry of distractions that technology affords us at any given moment.

Am I the only who has been guilty of this? Is there anyone else bothered by this constact "distraction" in our world of individual communication and conversation?

This "distraction" manifests itself many times in verbal over the phone communication as well, when we in our attempt to "multi task", actually only "distract" away from the person we should be speaking with.

I invite you to take a "distraction" challenge! The next time you schedule a dinner, a date, or evening with dearly loved family and friends, make a concerted effort, to for a specified period of time, lay aside your "distractions" of technology and enjoy the powerful and extremely enjoyable tool of verbal conversation, shared in person!

You might find topics of conversation yet un-covered. You might discover mutual interests! You might even get the enjoyment of friendly debate and dis-agreement over some late bit of news in politics or religion that will challenge your view points and serve to challenge those to whom you are communicating!

A Scottish Proverb says, "When all men speak; no man hears"

How about it!? Anyone else have thoughts along these lines!!??

Fire away!! :-)

Thanks for reading the ramblings of a pair of Cheeks in Owasso, OK today!!

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